Friday, December 26, 2014



Pagar atau pendinding rumah.

Kaedah berikut dilakukan untuk mendinding rumah dan kawasannya juga tempat-tempat lain.
Untuk memagar rumah, mulakan dari bahagian kanan rumah. Mula-mula pacakkan teras kayu asam jawa disatu penjuru rumah (sebelah kanan) dan ketuk dengan pemukul besi hingga tenggelam paras bumi. Pijak tunggul tadi sambil mengadap ke penjuru lain yang di tuju dan baca:
  • Ini tembok Nabi Sulaiman
  • Dalamnya laut luarnya kota
  • Kalau kamu pecah kota ini
  • Kamu akan berenang dalam laut.
Tiup menghala penjuru yang hendak dituju. Baca bismillahal-Fathihah dan surah Yasin dari awal hingga ayat ke 9.


Kemudian berjalan menuju ke arah penjuru lagi satu dengan membaca ayat ini berulang-ulang. Sambil membaca, Air Yasin di renjiskan disepanjang jalan ke penjuru yang dituju. Apabila tiba dipenjuru yang dituju, paku satu lagi tersa kayu asam jawa seperti yang dilakukan sebelum ini. Kemudian berdiri diatasnya sambil memandang penjuru yang berikutnya. Buat seperti tadi ke penjuru ketiga, kemudian seterusnya kembali ke penjuru yang mula-mula tadi.
Setelah menanam kesemua empat teras batang kayu asam jawa yang disediakan, pijaklah teras kayu asam jawa yang pertama tadi kemudian buat lingkungan di bahagian atas seluruh kawasan yang dipagar tadi, dengan isyarat tangan. Untuk tujuan ini, Air Yasin atau garam boleh digunakan untuk melinkungi bahagian atas rumah tadi.
Sekiranya terdapat penceroboh yang berniat buruk memasukki kawasan yang telah dipagar ini, nescaya ia akan rasakan bagai berada di tengah-tengah lautan yang luas, terkapai-kapai berenang unutk menyelamatkan dari lemas.
Begitu lah kebesaran Allah. ALLAHUAKHBAR

Wednesday, December 10, 2014



Jika anda menginginkan supaya disayangi orang banyak, maka pergunakanlah do’a dibawah ini sebagai mahabbah dengan cara sebagai berikut :
Hendaklah do’a dibawah ini dibaca secara rutin setiap selesai shalat lima waktu, dengan demikian insyaa Allah anda akan senantiasa disayangi orang banyak.
Inilah Do’a yang harus dibaca

Artinya :
“Allah adalah Dzat Yang Maha Mencukupi. Tuhan Kami adalah Dzat Yang Maha Mencukupi. Tujuan kami adalah kepada Dzat Yang Maha Mencukupi. Kami temukan Dzat Yang Maha Mencukupi. Dialah Dzat yang Maha Mencukupi dan Dia adalah sebaik-baiknya Dzat yang Maha Mencukupi. Segala puji bagi Allah”.
Hai Allah, sesungguhnya saya memohon kepada-Mu. dan berharap kepada-Mu dengan nama-Mu Yang Agung dan dengan kemegahan junjungan kita Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. agar Engkau jadikan semua makhluq menaruh rasa cinta kepadaku berkat keutamaan putra Adnan, dan condongkanlah semua hati seluruh makhluq seluruh alam ini kepadaku, serta berilah penerimaan kepadaku dengan “Syalmahat’.



Doa kebahagiaan rumahtangga ini dibaca 3 kali dalam doa selepas solat waktu. 

Setiap suami ataupun isteri menginginkan sebuah rumahtangga yang bahagia dan damai. Setiap rumahtangga ada pasang surutnya. Kehidupan dan keharmonian rumahtangga boleh runtuh disebabkan oleh salahfaham, masalah kesihatan, masalah camputangan adik beradik sebelah suami ataupun isteri dan yang paling mendugakan adalah masalah ekonomi. Kebanyakan rumahtangga yang runtuh disebabkan masalah ekonomi atau eko-"No Money". 

Bila masalah ekonomi yang berpunca kerana gagal dalam bisnes atau kehilangan kerja. Isteri yang dahulu baik pada sangkaan suami semasa senang kini mula berubah sikap. Isteri yang solehah tidak akan berubah sikap malah memberi semangat dan sanggup memikul tanggungjawab mencari nafkah untuk menyara keluarga sementara suami mendapat kerja lain dan sebagainya. 

Kadang-kadang ada isteri yang banyak gelang emasnya sampai kesiku, tetapi mengadu kat jiran sebelah rumahtangga beliau sekarang tengah menghadapi masalah ekonomi kerana suaminya tak ada kerja. Jangan harap seutas gelang emasnya boleh digadai. Cukup sayang gelangnya melebehi segalanya. Gelang itu pun dahulu suaminya yang belikan. Kenapa bila tengah gawat, tak sanggup korbankan gelang emasnya dipajak gadai islam. Bila sudah pulih nanti tebus balik.

Begitulah sebahagian kisah pendek mengenai rumahtangga. Jadi bagaimana seorang  isteri hendak menjadi seorang wanita yang solehah walaupun bukan seorang ustazah atau mengaji di pondok agama tetapi hanya seorang wanita marhein iaitu wanita biasa?. Untuk menjadi isteri solehah bukanlah susah hanya perlu mengikut 2 syarat ini yang paling mudah. Tidak banyak syarat yang dikenakan oleh Islam untuk seseorang wanita menerima gelaran solehah, dan seterusnya menerima pahala syurga yang penuh kenikmatan dari Allah s.w.t.

Mereka hanya perlu memenuhi 2 syarat iaitu :

1. Taat kepada Allah dan RasulNya.
2. Taat kepada suami.

Perincian dari dua syarat di atas adalah sebagai berikut : 

1. Taat kepada Allah dan RasulNya
Bagaimana yang dikatakan taat kepada Allah s.w.t. ?
Mencintai Allah s.w.t. dan Rasulullah s.a.w. melebihi dari segala-galanya.
  • Wajib menutup aurat.
  • Tidak berhias dan berperangai seperti wanita jahiliah.
  • Tidak bermusafir atau bersama dengan lelaki dewasa kecuali ada mahram bersamanya.
  • Sering membantu lelaki dalam perkara kebenaran, kebajikan dan taqwa.
  • Berbuat baik kepada ibu dan bapa.
  • Sentiasa bersedekah baik dalam keadaan susah ataupun senang.
  • Tidak berkhalwat dengan lelaki dewasa.
  • Bersikap baik terhadap tetangga.
2. Taat kepada suami.
  • Memelihara kewajipan terhadap suami.
  • Sentiasa menyenangkan suami.
  • Menjaga kehormatan diri dan harta suaminya selama suami tiada di rumah.
  • Tidak bermasam muka di hadapan suami.
  • Tidak menolak ajakan suami untuk tidur.
  • Tidak keluar tanpa izin suami.
  • Tidak meninggikan suara melebihi suara suami.
  • Tidak membantah suaminya dalam kebenaran.
  • Tidak menerima tamu yang dibenci suaminya.
  • Sentiasa memelihara diri, kebersihan dan kecantikannya serta rumah tangga.

Sebenarnya puncak rendahnya martabat wanita adalah dari faktor dalaman. Bukanlah faktor luaran atau yang berbentuk material sebagaimana yang digembar-gemburkan oleh para pejuang hak-hak palsu wanita.

Faktor-faktor tersebut ialah:

1) Lupa mengingat Allah.

Kerana terlalu sibuk dengan tugas dan kegiatan luar atau memelihara anak-anak, maka tidak hairanlah jika banyak wanita yang tidak menyedari bahawa dirinya telah lalai dari mengingat Allah. Dan saat kelalaian ini pada hakikatnya merupakan saat yang paling berbahaya bagi diri mereka, di mana syaitan akan mengarahkan hawa nafsu agar memainkan peranannya. Firman Allah s.w.t. di dalam surah al-Jathiah, ayat 23: ertinya:
”Maka sudahkah kamu melihat orang yang menjadikan hawa nafsunya sebagai Tuhannya dan Allah membiarkannya sesat berdasarkan ilmunya. Dan Allah telah mengunci mati pendengaran dan hatinya dan meletakkan tutupan atas penglihatannya.”
Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w ertinya:
“Tidak sempurna iman seseorang dari kamu, sehingga dia merasa cenderung kepada apa yang telah aku sampaikan.” (Riwayat Tarmizi)
Mengingati Allah s.w.t. bukan saja dengan berzikir, tetapi termasuklah menghadiri majlis-majlis ilmu.

2) Mudah tertipu dengan keindahan dunia.

Keindahan dunia dan kemewahannya memang banyak menjebak wanita ke perangkapnya. Bukan itu saja, malahan syaitan dengan mudah memperalatkannya untuk menarik kaum lelaki agar sama-sama bergelumang dengan dosa dan noda. Tidak sedikit yang sanggup durhaka kepada Allah s.w.t. hanya kerana kenikmatan dunia yang terlalu sedikit. Firman Allah s.w.t. di dalam surah al-An’am: ertinya:
Dan tidaklah penghidupan dunia ini melainkan permainan dan kelalaian dan sesungguhnya negeri akhirat itu lebih baik bagi orang-orang yang bertakwa, oleh kerana itu tidakkah kamu berfikir.” 
3) Mudah terpedaya dengan syahwat. Nafsu syahwat menjadi keutamaan sehingga hilang sifat malu.

4) Lemah iman.

5) Bersikap suka menunjuk-nunjuk.

Dunia adalah perhiasan, perhiasan dunia yang terbaik adalah Wanita yang solehah.


Koleksi Rahsia Doa Dan Amalan Penunduk, Pengasih, Pelaris Dan Agar DiSegani.
 394479 10151033990078248 2126500930 n 
sila dapatkan dilaman web ini :

Untuk membantu meningkatkan keselamatan. Berwibawa dan disegani orang bawahan, sahabat, masyarakat, keluarga malahan musuh. Mengatasi masalah anak-anak degil dan yang kuat melawan menjadikan mereka anak-anak yang taat ibubapa dan patuh suruhan agama.. Sebagai penjaga dan pendinding serangan musuh yang berhadapan atau dalam selimut. Disamping itu untuk membanyakkan rezeki dengan mudah dan lancar. Dengan kuasa Allah tidak ada sesiapa pun yang boleh mengatasinya.

Pelaburan yang sedikit tetapi keuntungan sepanjang hayat malah selepas meninggalkan dunia yang fana ini. Insyallah amin!
Sekian wasallam.

Petua Telinga Masuk Serangga

Petua Telinga Masuk Serangga


Semalam masa tengah baring-baring dikatil, tiba-tiba ada seekor serangga masuk telinga anda. Masa tu rasa macam nak terbang. Mak oiiii siapa tak risau kalau serangga masuk telinga dia. Nanti telinga bernanah, pekak atau berdesing, ehem kan dah jatuh saham. Tanya mak anda, dia kata "nanti keluar juga tu, tunggu jelah".

Hmmm, dah anda jenis yang cepat nebes, mana boleh terima jawapan macam tu. Apalagi, terus search di Google petua untuk mengeluarkan serangga masuk dalam telinga. Padahal serangga yang masuk telinga ansa tu pun, bukannya semut ataupun lipas. Saja nak risau lebih-lebih, first time lah katakan.

Mengikut pembacaan mil, tak adalah bahaya sangat kalau serangga masuk telinga kita. Cuma masalahnya, boleh menyebabkan gangguan pendengaran buat sementara waktu; tak selesa dan sakit. Itupun kalau serangganya luar biasa macam lipas ataupun semut.

Jadi, di sini mil nak kongsi 3 jenis petua untuk keluarkan serangga dari telinga kita:

Petua 1

Tutup lampu (malam) atau pergi ke tempat yang gelap (siang). Ambil lampu suluh dan suluh ke dalam lubang telinga. InsyAllah serangga akan keluar mencari punca cahaya itu. Ini kerana serangga adalah makhluk Allah yang suka kepada cahaya

Petua 2

Letakkan sedikit minyak ke dalam lubang telinga kemudian keluarkan minyak itu semula. Caranya, seperti petua telinga masuk air. Ini kerana, serangga itu akan terperangkap di dalam minyak itu. 

Petua 3

Tutup lubang telinga kanan dengan jari kanan, pekap hidung dengan tangan kiri dan tutup mulut anda. Semasa anda menutup 3 pancaindera di atas (telinga, hidung & mulut), tarik dan tahan nafas sepanjang yang boleh. Ulangi langkah 1 & 2 beberapa kali sehingga anda berjaya mengeluarkan serangga tersebut.

Kalau macam mil, ada cuba guna petua 1. Rasa kelakar pula masa buat petua tu semalam. Mil gunakan lampu suluh telefon, biar canggih sikit. Apapun, kalau cara macam nie atau petua lain tak berjaya juga. Alamatnya, terpaksalah ke klinik ataupun hospital yang berdekatan. Itulah pilihan yang terakhir. Share is Caring.

Think it Use it
Jangan Simpan

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Samsung Find My Lost Mobile Phone


5. Use Samsung’s Find My Mobile to find your phone

  • Your device has access to the internet.
  • You need to have a Samsung account and your device registered with it.
  • Find my mobile needs to be set up on your Samsung phone (enabling remote controls).
If you have a Samsung device, you might be able to find your phone using Samsung’s own tracking service ‘Find my mobile’. For this to work, you need a Samsung account and registered your device before you lost it. So try to remember if you did that.
You did? Awesome. Head over and sign in to the Find my mobile website. Check the left sidebar and make sure that your device is connected to your account. Now, all you need to do is selecting ‘Locate my device’ in the sidebar and click on the locate button. If your device is online and remote controls is enabled, you should see its approximate location. Find my mobile also allows you to do other things such as locking your device, letting it ring with a message and wiping its data.

Remote control and track your lost smartphone with Android Lost


2. Remote control and track your smartphone with Android Lost

UPDATE: Due to Android API updates, Android Lost can’t be activated remotely on devices running Android 3.0 or higher.
  • Your device is connected with your Google account.
  • Your device has access to the internet.
  • You’re not running Android 3.0 or higher.
This is a more complicated way to track your phone. Basically, you need to install the tracking app ‘Android Lost’ on your phone and activate it by sending it an SMS (this can be done from any phone). How do you install something when you don’t have your phone with you? That’s very easy. You can install any app on all your registered devices directly from your browser through the Google Play website. Simply navigate to the Android Lost app and click the install button.
The remote installation process of Android Lost is very straightforward and only requires that your phone is still connected with your Google account. However, in case of theft, you have to hope that the thief doesn’t disconnect from your account.
So here’s what to do:

Step 1: Install Android Lost remotely

Install the Android Lost app remotely via Google Play in your browser and it will be installed on your phone remotely. As already mentioned, your phone still needs to be connected to your Google account. Otherwise, this won’t work.

Step 2: Activate Android Lost (not working on Android 3.0+)

If you are still in the possession of your smartphone or tablet then all you need to do is starting the app. But this is, obviously, probably not the case if you lost your phone. So, to register your device remotely, send an SMS with the text “androidlost register” to your phone. This SMS can be sent from any phone. This will trigger Android Lost to register itself using your Google account credentials.
If you own a tablet, SMS might not be an option. In that case, install “AndroidLost Jumpstart” before you install the actual Android Lost app. It will jump start the registration process when Android Lost is being installed.

Step 3: Log in to the Android Lost website

Visit the Android Lost website and sign in using your Google account. After doing that, you should have access to all remote control features such as the following:
  • Read the latest SMS on your phone
  • Force your phone to play a loud alarm with a flashing screen. Perfect if you misplaced your device.
  • Get the location of your device
  • Lock and unlock your phone
  • Wipe your entire phone so no private data falls into the wrong hands
  • Erase the SD card
  • Use the camera to make pictures (front or rear camera) to get a nice shot of the nice person who took your device.
  • …here’s the complete feature list
Note that it can take a while for the registration process to complete.

Android Lost is a great tool to get your phone back

I have to say that having the possibility to install and register this tool remotely makes it very powerful in case you lose your device. Unfortunately, The only negative thing I experienced is that the notification of a new app called ‘Android Lost’ could tell a potential thief about what’s going on. Unfortunately, activating Android Lost is only possible on Android Versions older than 3.0.
Here is a success story of a dad chasing down the man who stole his daughter’s phone with the help of Android Lost.

3. Plan B is the Android Lost alternative for devices running Android 2.0 – 2.3

  • Your device is connected with your Google account.
  • Your device has access to the internet.
If Android Lost is not working out for you and you’re phone is still running an older version of Android (2.0 up to 2.3) you could give Plan B from Lockout a try. Install the app directly from the Play Store (Link) to your device and, if successful, Plan B will send your device’s location to your Gmail address. It will send you a mail every 10 minutes with the current location. You can also use any other phone to send an SMS with “locate” to your phone to get the location via mail.
As already mentioned, Plan B only works with devices on Android 2.0-2.3, so it won’t work with most devices. Also, the app hasn’t been updated in a while, so I cannot guarantee that it will work.

4. Use Google Maps Location History to track your lost Android phone (even if it’s turned off)

  • Your device is connected with your Google account.
  • Your device has access to the internet.
  • Location Reporting and Location History need to be activated on your device (can be done in the Google Settings app on your device).
Unlike the Android Device Manager, the Location History feature of Google Maps doesn’t focus on tracking down a lost phone. You can use your location data to for many different reasons such as looking up past travel routes or last night’s pub crawl tour. However, it is also a good way to locate your phone.
google maps location
Here’s what you need to do. Go to the Google Maps Location History and make sure the current day is selected in the calendar. Click on “Show timestamps” below the calendar to see all the times your device’s location was registered. Now scroll down and select the latest timestamp to see the last available location.
Other than Android Device Manager, which also uses GPS for tracking, Location History only uses cell tower IDs and Wi-Fi location detection to collect location data. This means that the accuracy can vary significantly.
So how can this tool help you if you’re phone’s battery is empty? Well, before your phone died, Google might have saved its current location. That means that you might be able to find it using the last reported position in your location history.
The advantage of Location History is the ability to track your phone’s location frequently over a period of time. If someone stole it, you could make out often visited places, which could be the thief’s home or workplace. That might help you and the authorities to catch the person.
I recommend trying out the Android Device Manager or Android Lost first, since they’re able to use your device’s GPS and offer other useful features.

Remote Control And Track Your Lost Smartphone With Android Lost


 Remote control and track your smartphone with Android Lost

UPDATE: Due to Android API updates, Android Lost can’t be activated remotely on devices running Android 3.0 or higher.
  • Your device is connected with your Google account.
  • Your device has access to the internet.
  • You’re not running Android 3.0 or higher.
This is a more complicated way to track your phone. Basically, you need to install the tracking app ‘Android Lost’ on your phone and activate it by sending it an SMS (this can be done from any phone). How do you install something when you don’t have your phone with you? That’s very easy. You can install any app on all your registered devices directly from your browser through the Google Play website. Simply navigate to the Android Lost app and click the install button.
The remote installation process of Android Lost is very straightforward and only requires that your phone is still connected with your Google account. However, in case of theft, you have to hope that the thief doesn’t disconnect from your account.
So here’s what to do:

Step 1: Install Android Lost remotely

Install the Android Lost app remotely via Google Play in your browser and it will be installed on your phone remotely. As already mentioned, your phone still needs to be connected to your Google account. Otherwise, this won’t work.

Step 2: Activate Android Lost (not working on Android 3.0+)

If you are still in the possession of your smartphone or tablet then all you need to do is starting the app. But this is, obviously, probably not the case if you lost your phone. So, to register your device remotely, send an SMS with the text “androidlost register” to your phone. This SMS can be sent from any phone. This will trigger Android Lost to register itself using your Google account credentials.
If you own a tablet, SMS might not be an option. In that case, install “AndroidLost Jumpstart” before you install the actual Android Lost app. It will jump start the registration process when Android Lost is being installed.

Step 3: Log in to the Android Lost website

Visit the Android Lost website and sign in using your Google account. After doing that, you should have access to all remote control features such as the following:
  • Read the latest SMS on your phone
  • Force your phone to play a loud alarm with a flashing screen. Perfect if you misplaced your device.
  • Get the location of your device
  • Lock and unlock your phone
  • Wipe your entire phone so no private data falls into the wrong hands
  • Erase the SD card
  • Use the camera to make pictures (front or rear camera) to get a nice shot of the nice person who took your device.
  • …here’s the complete feature list
Note that it can take a while for the registration process to complete.

Android Lost is a great tool to get your phone back

I have to say that having the possibility to install and register this tool remotely makes it very powerful in case you lose your device. Unfortunately, The only negative thing I experienced is that the notification of a new app called ‘Android Lost’ could tell a potential thief about what’s going on. Unfortunately, activating Android Lost is only possible on Android Versions older than 3.0.
Here is a success story of a dad chasing down the man who stole his daughter’s phone with the help of Android Lost.

3. Plan B is the Android Lost alternative for devices running Android 2.0 – 2.3

  • Your device is connected with your Google account.
  • Your device has access to the internet.
If Android Lost is not working out for you and you’re phone is still running an older version of Android (2.0 up to 2.3) you could give Plan B from Lockout a try. Install the app directly from the Play Store (Link) to your device and, if successful, Plan B will send your device’s location to your Gmail address. It will send you a mail every 10 minutes with the current location. You can also use any other phone to send an SMS with “locate” to your phone to get the location via mail.
As already mentioned, Plan B only works with devices on Android 2.0-2.3, so it won’t work with most devices. Also, the app hasn’t been updated in a while, so I cannot guarantee that it will work.

4. Use Google Maps Location History to track your lost Android phone (even if it’s turned off)

  • Your device is connected with your Google account.
  • Your device has access to the internet.
  • Location Reporting and Location History need to be activated on your device (can be done in the Google Settings app on your device).
Unlike the Android Device Manager, the Location History feature of Google Maps doesn’t focus on tracking down a lost phone. You can use your location data to for many different reasons such as looking up past travel routes or last night’s pub crawl tour. However, it is also a good way to locate your phone.
google maps location
Here’s what you need to do. Go to the Google Maps Location History and make sure the current day is selected in the calendar. Click on “Show timestamps” below the calendar to see all the times your device’s location was registered. Now scroll down and select the latest timestamp to see the last available location.
Other than Android Device Manager, which also uses GPS for tracking, Location History only uses cell tower IDs and Wi-Fi location detection to collect location data. This means that the accuracy can vary significantly.
So how can this tool help you if you’re phone’s battery is empty? Well, before your phone died, Google might have saved its current location. That means that you might be able to find it using the last reported position in your location history.
The advantage of Location History is the ability to track your phone’s location frequently over a period of time. If someone stole it, you could make out often visited places, which could be the thief’s home or workplace. That might help you and the authorities to catch the person.
I recommend trying out the Android Device Manager or Android Lost first, since they’re able to use your device’s GPS and offer other useful features.

How To Track Your Lost Android Phone Without Installed Tracking App

How To Track Your Lost Android Phone Without Installed Tracking App

find android phone without tracking app
Note: In case you’re actually missing an Apple device, head over to my guide on how to track a lost iPhone or iPad.
Have you (ever) lost your Android smartphone or tablet without having a device tracking app installed? Then you should read this! This could be your chance to get your precious device back.
We created an FAQ post which covers most questions that you might have after reading this post
There are a handful of phone recovery or anti-theft apps on the Google Play Store which can be a lifesaver in case you lose your phone or, even worse, it gets stolen. But many people might only realize that there are such apps AFTER it got lost or stolen. Then, it usually is too late and you have to face the ugly truth that the phone is gone for good.

How to track your Android phone or tablet after it got lost or stolen

But don’t burst out in tears just yet. There’s still hope for your phone to find its way back to you! There are a few ways to remote control and track your phone even if you haven’t installed a recovery app before it vanished.
Let’s have a look at the various ways to get your Android smartphone back to its rightful owner!

1. Track your lost Android device with Google’s Android Device Manager

  • Your device is connected with your Google account.
  • Your device has access to the internet.
  • Allowed Android Device Manager (ADM) to locate your device (turned on by default). This can changed in the Google Settings app.
  • Allowed ADM to lock your device and erase its data (turned off by default).
Android Device Manager is a Google’s official and easy-to-use tool to track your Android phone or tablet. The best thing about it is that you don’t need to install an app to be able to track your devices. The only requirement is that your device is connected to your Google account, turned on and connected to the internet.
Besides tracking, letting your phone ring and wiping your phone (which has to be enabled manually), Android Device Manager doesn’t offer more options to remote control your phone. Hopefully, Google will work on that and offer more features, such as  taking pictures in case it got stolen and you want to know who took it.
In case there’s no laptop around when you lose your device, you can also use someone else’s Android phone to track it. Instead of using the mobile browser, you can also use the Android Device Manager app. If you the other phone doesn’t have it, simply download it here. You can sign in using the guest mode and your Google account credentials. Now you should be able to track your lost device, let it ring or wipe its data.
Android Device Manager screenshot
Are you not able to locate your phone this way? This can happen for several reasons. The one you should hope for, is that your device is simply not connected to the internet or turned off. In that case, simply keep trying to track it until it (hopefully) connects to Google’s services again.
In case it got stolen, it’s possible that the thief has disconneced your device from your Google Account. If that happens, neither Android Device Manager nor any other tracking tool will be able to locate the device, since it’s necessary to be logged into your Google Account. This doesn’t apply to previously installed tracking apps but in this scenario there are none on the phone. However, there’s one last resort but more on that later.